27 de maig 2008

3 comentaris:

A la/es 27 de maig del 2008, a les 21:48 , Blogger Jordi Casanovas ha dit...

i en comptes de la goteta d'oli, una garrafa de vuit litres...

A la/es 29 de maig del 2008, a les 0:20 , Blogger La Torre d'Ivori ha dit...

Felicitats per la dedicació i l'humor que comparteixes amb nosaltres!

A la/es 31 de gener del 2012, a les 9:29 , Blogger qwadro_Binh ha dit...

If you're going to grad school to be a computer programmer, you're going to get out and get a job as a computer programmer. If you're going to grad school in the humanities, you're more likely going to end up as "a telephone operator" or an adjunct (which pays less), or maybe you'll just be unemployed. It maynot seemwebsites for salelead generation systemlike it's about the money when you start out, because you're passionate about your subject and delusional about your future prospects, but it damn sure is about the money when you get to the end and can't find work after all those years you slaved away pursuing the "life of the mind."


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